


Having lived near the sea or studied it in one way or another for most of my life, the ocean serves as my biggest inspiration. Drawn to color and movement, I try to embody those aspects of the ocean into my work.

In the day to day operation of things I make a conscious effort to reduce my impact on this planet. I reuse things as much as I can, repurpose nearly every shipping material thanks to donations from friends and neighbors, and I am working in the direction of completely compostable packaging in all the things I cannot source through repurposing (paper tape, compostable mailing labels, etc).


Hi! I’m Cory!

I am a mother of two, currently living on the Treasure Coast in Florida. I’ve lived in all four corners of the United States, always near the ocean. If I live too far inland I feel like I can’t breathe. The ocean is where my heart lies.

Before diving into stained glass I was a marine biologist, a graphic designer, a photographer. I worked in aquaculture, on lobster boats, had many of my seaweed photographs published in books, museums, and field guides, and documented many births and growing families. I have degrees in studio art, marine biology, botany, and a master’s degree in natural resources. After having children I donated my time and services to babywearing education, breastfeeding support, and embarked upon a surrogacy journey.

In 2020 I did the unthinkable and closed my photography business. My creative heart wrestled with it for months. And, by a stroke of serendipity, I discovered modern stained glass in a story someone shared on Instagram. I knew in an instant that I wanted to make pieces of art that played with light and spoke from my soul. I proceeded to fill an entire sketch book cover to cover with ideas and designs that have been waiting in my mind for years (some decades) to be liberated in the right medium. When the sketchbook was filled and I had studied enough, I took the plunge and in 2021 began building my stained glass studio and haven’t looked back since.

The inspiration behind my stained glass designs reflect the culmination of my experiences and the beauty I have found along my own journey. I love color, I love how light makes things magical, and I love that I have found a way to fill my cup in working with stained glass. And by sharing my art I am sharing from my cup. I believe in giving back whenever possible, so I donate to different causes whenever possible. Please reach out if you would like me to make a piece for your next fundraiser.

If you made it this far, thanks for getting to know me! I hope you stick around. :)

EAF headshot Feb 2020-4 crop circle 400.png